Heidi Dean, Social Media Marketing for Actors

Today my guest on Hometown to Hollywood is Social Media Marketing for Actors Expert, Heidi Dean.     Heidi Dean is the creator of Marketing4Actors.com and the 21-Day Social Rockstar Challenge. She is a graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and was a...

Social Media Use and Your Kids– Part 2 of 2

Last week, I covered some major aspects of social media use that affect ALL parents and kids, regardless of the level of fame of their young actor, or where they are in their career. In this week’s post, I dive a bit deeper into the specific social media issues that...

Social Media Use and Your Kids– Part 1 of 2

One of the biggest concerns parents have today is their kids’ social media use. Parents of young actors often have even greater concern, as there can be a lot of pressure for even young performers to maintain a social media presence. What’s appropriate? What’s safe?...