by Bonnie Wallace | Auditions, Casting, General, Top Picks
Before you even begin to try to get your kid in front of an agent, you need to set a few things up. At the bare minimum, your child should have SOME kind of training…
by Bonnie Wallace | Agents, General, Managers
Research potential acting coaches, agents, or managers using Google as well as social media tools to help avoid scams. See if you can find accounts on Twitter, Instagram, FaceBook, etc, for the people and business you are investigating. Is what they are posting...
by Bonnie Wallace | Agents, Auditions, General
Scams are one of the sad facts of this business. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard of parents approached in a mall by someone who says they can get their kid into the business, or even make them a “star.” The person may say they are a talent scout, or an...
by Bonnie Wallace | Education, General
Most actors and directors would agree that training is an essential part of being a great actor. After that one point of agreement, there can be a lot of divergent opinions. How much training? What kind? And what even constitutes training? For many people the...
by Bonnie Wallace | General
Lawyers I think a good rule as to when it’s time to find a lawyer is when a project comes up that involves a serious time commitment or serious money (or both). If your kid is working as an extra, or getting guest star roles for one or just a few episodes, or cast in...