How Long Does it Take to Become an Actor?

How long does it take? No one can know how many auditions will happen before an actor is cast in their first project. And then how many more auditions will pass before their second role! It can be frustratingly slow, unnervingly quick, and everything in between. In...

Screen Tests: So Close to Success You Can Taste It

Screen tests are not always held before casting large roles, and they are never used for smaller roles. Now that pretty much all auditions are digitally taped by casting directors, a “screen test” is often redundant—every step of the audition has been a screen test!...

Background/ Extras Work: Myths and Truths

I’m going to say something here that may be unpopular, but it is my authentic opinion. I do not see much point in doing extras work for kids who are looking for a professional career as an actor. At least not more than a few times. Let me start this post with the...

Pilot Season and Episodic Season

Flocks of parents and their kids come into LA for “Pilot Season.” They arrive in January and stay through April, the time of year when most TV networks cast and produce the “test pilot” or initial episode of a TV show. Most networks produce a pilot for a new show to...