7 Tips for Staying Sane While Helping Your Child Actor
Cool news!! I am excited to share that I am now an official Backstage Expert! Woohoo! I’ll be contributing a column every month, aimed at educating and inspiring parents of young actors. Here is my first piece, originally published last week on Backstage. Link...
Bonnie’s Recommended Resources for Actors
Here are some excellent resources for actors. This list will get you off to the right start with a basic set of trusted sites, people, and products. Check back regularly for additions and updates. Of course, sometimes there is nothing better than talking with someone...
How Can You Find Auditions Without an Agent?
What if your child is so new to the business that they don’t even have an agent yet? Or you’ve been at it for a while but still don’t have an agent?…
What to Do Before You Try to Get a Talent Agent
Before you even begin to try to get your kid in front of an agent, you need to set a few things up. At the bare minimum, your child should have SOME kind of training…