by Bonnie Wallace | General, Resources
Some factors that affect your decision on how to manage the effort to support your child in their dream of becoming a professional actor: How old is the child (or children)? What exactly is their goal? Could this be accomplished from home? Do you have objective,...
by Bonnie Wallace | General, Resources
If you are starting to wonder how to make a living while either being on set with your child all day or running all over town to get them to auditions, you are getting in touch with one of the central challenges of being a stage parent. I know a few who somehow manage...
by Bonnie Wallace | Auditions, Casting, General
Most, if not all, of the young actors we know today as stars of Disney shows were never aiming for Disney. They were putting themselves out in the world because they loved to perform. Their agents sent them out for every project that looked appropriate, and if they...
by Bonnie Wallace | Auditions, Casting, General
Disney is an extraordinary company, and its reach is global. But more than that, it delivers magic to millions of homes, and its stories and characters are an integral part of childhood for generations of people. It’s no wonder that it is the dream of many to be on...
by Bonnie Wallace | General, Parenting
You will be happy to know that food on most sets is plentiful and pretty decent. Basic food and beverages are generally available at all times at Craft Services, (fondly referred to by many as “crafty”) the little area near the back or side of a set. It is absolutely...