Pamela Fisher, Abrams Artists Agency

Today’s guest represents some of the most successful young actors in film and TV, including my daughter Dove Cameron. Pamela Fisher is Vice President of Abrams Artists Agency, and Head of their Emerging Talent Division.

Considered by many in the industry to be the top agent for emerging talent in Hollywood, Pamela shares her wisdom and experience in this great episode. Whether you are an actor yourself, the parent of one, or just curious about the industry, this is a must-listen episode!


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Some of my favorite quotes:

  • “You must fall in love with the auditioning process. Make friends with it, enjoy it.”
  • “That’s what makes a great agent. Passion.”
  • “If I didn’t select your child at the showcase, it doesn’t mean that they’re not talented.”
  • “There’s a blind faith. There’s something that lives inside of us that lets us know we’re doing the right thing, and following the right path.”
  • “Any agent or manager that asks for money up front is something that you should run the other direction from.”
  • “It’s fine to do a student film, especially if it’s a graduate student.”
  • “I would encourage people to find agents that are dedicated to longevity.”
  • “Make sure your online profile is up-to-date: headshot, resume, and special skills.”
  • “We’re just doing pilots year-round. There’s content year-round.”
  • “If you’re coming out to LA, you don’t even have to go out on auditions… just train. Get into classes.”
  • “You set your feet in a direction, and see where it takes you.”
  • “Training is key.” Share on X

Some of our conversation includes:

  • How she can tell if an actor has that thing we call “it” or star quality
  • What Pamela does on a daily basis as a theatrical agent
  • Her advice for parents of extremely young kids who have big hopes that their kids will be actors
  • Advice for a young adult actor who just finished college and is coming to LA to pursue a career in film and TV
  • Advice for people who are trying to get an agent in Hollywood
  • Just as important—once an actor has an agent—advice for how to be an ideal client
  • Thoughts about what time of year an actor should try to come out to LA for the first time
  • Some of the best things young actors can do to prepare for success long before they consider coming to LA, including things they can do where they are right now, in their hometown

Join us!

Follow Pamela here:

Instagram: @thepamfisher

Twitter: @thepamfisher

If you are interested in pursuing an acting career—or love someone who is—you can save a lot of time and money learning about the industry from an expert. Quick and easy ways: listen to these podcasts, and buy my books! Young Hollywood Actors and The Hollywood Parents Guide are both on Amazon.

And if you’re ready for more one-on-one support that takes your individual issues into account, book a consultation with me via Skype, phone, or in person. You’ll have questions answered you didn’t even know to ask, and end up with a detailed action plan, saving thousands of dollars and potentially years of time.

The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.